Hey, this just in and I'm proud to present a product history done by my brofur PICKLES.He's only 8 weeks old and pretty much just sleeps, eats, and plays but he swears he can do product histories and reviews. He's also deaf. Since I'm blind, I figure we together can pull this blog off.
Depending on how good his column goes off...we may do more.
Today he will present a brief overview of a phone mom's been looking at on Ebay. This is a Western Electric model 500 first launched in 1949:
Hi! This iz a fone an it pritty heavie. A blak brik an u plug in the wallz an it say RIIIINNNNNG but Im def so I dont rilly no how that sounds. The End.
Oh, gawd. This blog is in trouble...
13 years ago
Hi Pickles
You sure are cute. I thought you did a nice product review. Keep up the good work.
I don't think this blog is in trouble at all. What this world needs is great cat advice and critique! I'm Samoa, Calvin and Co.'s Mawmee! Love your new blog, Christopher!
I don't blog but I'll sure be back to read yours, Christopher. I hope you'll let Pickles be a Guest Blogger again!
Meows thinks Pickles did a furtabulous product review! Meowmy remembers those phones - she had one growing up. She's Older than Dirt! MOL!!!!!!!
I guess my guest blogger gets a few more columns, mol.
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to look at my blog =)
I heard about your blog from a FOS email and I saw you at Daisy's webcast today. Your blog is great!
Pickles did an execellent job as guest blogger.
Good job of product reviews Pickles!! We are very glad to meet you and Christopher!! We will be back!
Your FL furiends,
YOu two are very cute. Our mom remembers when the phone in her house looked almost like that. Hers did not have the dial and numbers on it. You just picked it up and a lady ask what number you wanted. Then one day, a man came to the house and installed the dial! No more lady asking you who you were calling. This was in the mid to late 1950's. That makes mom sound ancient!
We hope to see more from your blog!
Whoa, dat is an old fone...mom sez she used one like dat when she was a little gerl. Pickles sure is cute...yoo are too of course. Um, we forgot to say hi furst. Hi.
Yer produkt review is fassinating! We've nevur seen such a HUGE fone...and it RIIIINNNNGGGSSS too!
Yoo and yer bro are blind and def!?! It's such a gud thing yoo have eachothur to help the othur one out.
Luking forward to more produkt reviews!!
Hello, Christopher and Pickles. I really like your blog and product reviews and look forward to hearing more about the two of you.
Hi Christopher and Pickles! Welcome to the Cat Blogosphere! Our Maw had a phone like that when she was growing up. Great product review Pickles!
Luf, Us
Hi Christopher! It's nice to meet you! We heard about you over at the Cat Blogosphere! Your brother Pickes is very cute! We can't wait to read more about you two!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
What an excellent product review!
Pets to everyone from Moderncat!
You are all making this little blind kitty (and my littler deaf brofur) feel very welcome in the blog-world!
You are so kind.
Purrs and meows from Texas! That is a neat phone. I'm going to have to come by and keep an eye on you. See you around!
We is furry happy to meet you and your little brofur. We are kitties and we have doggy siblings. Our momma thinks you guys are so cute☺
Nice to meet you Christopher!
Hi Christopher, nice to meet you. You have a great blog. Enjoyed reading the review from your guest Pickles. Looking forward to reading more.
Scooby & Spikey Lee's mom
Hi Dudes!! I thought your review was pretty pawsome for an antique of a phone like that. hehe. I'm Willie, Skeezix sent me, nice to meet you. come by my blog too.
O, Christopher, I loves your bloggie. An I's looking forward to more.
Love & Purrs,
Hello Christopher & Pickles it's very nice to meet you both. We also went to visit your girlfriend Penny, she's lovely.
Greta phone review, our Mum says she remembers phones like that, but she is 9000 years old
Whicky Wuudler
Hi Christopher! That's my Dadcat's name too! welcome to the cat blogosphere!
Hi Pickles and Christopher,
Pleased to meet yoo. We saw the link to your bloggie on the Cat Blogosphere. We think your Mom is a special lady to offer you both a loving forever home ~ and she is also very lucky to have 2 such gorjuss cats!
Hi Christopher! It was very kind of you to let your little brother have a turn at blogging. Start them early, we say:)
- Fui and Suey
Hi Pickles and Christopher, we heard about you through the cat blogosphere. It sure must be nice to have a brofur to share things with.
Poppy Q
Pickles, that was a very excellent product review. I think you should do MORE of them!
Hi Furiends! It's so great to meet you!! We are the Creek Cats, stop in and see us sometime, we just love company!
I think this is going to be an interesting blog. There is a sense of humor that rings through it. Tiberius and Pearl look forward to more posts. Pearly Girly is a wanna be superstar on youtube....check it out.....
Pearl and Tiberius
Our mom doesn't know a big phone like that cuz she's only OLD, not REALLY OLD!
Nice to meet ya both.
Welcome to the Cat Blogosphere...the bestest place in the whole wide world!!
and Conner Cloud (The Cyclone Cats)
Hi! We have added you to our blogroll. Very cute blog you got going there!
Nice to meet you both - we have a group of rescued feral cats and our Al is deaf too. He is 5 now and doing very well. Come by and visit.
excellent job pickles! totally unbiased opinion.
momsbusy & yuki, kimiko, kintaro & tt
Pickles, you did a GREAT job!!!!
hey pickles u iz furry cyoot... we finks u iz funny so it okayz ta beze funny and dat noh trubble at all.
Our Mom likes old fings too. hur gots an old blue fone dat looks like dat blak one. it a bit nooer.
we gotz an old fonograf radio in a wooden case! it furry olds cuz it gots big tubez innit... dats what mom say. it works doh but noisy. bein def u wont haves ta listen to da skratchy sounds uf an old radio.
katie too
OMC who on earth could resist you, you cute little thing? I know I couldn't! and I'm SOOOOO glad you've found your furmily! We love that phone, and your catio, and mid-century retro, and most of all, we love CATS. Like YOU.
Hi guys! I'm glad I found your blog today, and I just wanted to say that I look forward to reading more of your stories, and of course more product reviews!
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