Hiya! I hope everyone is having a nice and safe (and FUN) holiday this year!
Also wishing and purrring for a much better 2011 for us and all of you out there. Been some trying times for everyone.
I'm having a quiet Christmas and there's nothing wrong with that. A cooked chicken and beans in the beanpot and a pumpkin pie =D
We kitties got some toys and I'd like to thank whoever sent the two $5 Petco gift certificates to us from my wishlist. I will give one to my neutered brother Grey. Also, thank you from both Rosalie and I for the VERY nice water fountain for her.
Its PINK and she's a girly girl now that she's all indoors and a housecat...so she especially likes it =D
Also, thankis for the holiday wishes and love.
This is little Abigail and Grey's first Christmas so this blog entry is short because I have to go and show them how to tear up the Christmas Tree. Its a very small tree this year. And it's gonna be TOAST MOL!!!
Bless You All,